Civic Education

Concept of civic education

This topic help us to know our  rights and how to us them when necessary, it also help individuals acquire some skills, abilities, values, virtues, attitude and behaviours that are acceptable to the society.

Meaning of civic Education

First of all let discuss the meaning of civic

The word civic in a Greek word means a citizen of a City or an areas.

Now civic Education can be defined as a knowledge which helps individuals in different geographicial and political areas to some values that is acceptable to the society and helps to build a great country.

Why civic Education is a core compulsory subject:

(1) The knowledge of Civic education make decisions making of the government much easier.

(2)  it helps to educate, enlightening the individuals so as to build intellectual ability in the society.

(3) It also help to encourage the youth to be patriotic and nationalistic to their country.

(4) It make citizen of a country to be law-abiding in the country he or she resides in.

(5) It make citizen to have good value and help in resolve some crisis in the country.

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